
Solid wood technologies

A factory in continuous "evolution"

The Dutch company Jongbloed Timmerfabriek is a permanently open door to new technological trends. It is run by a family which, in the space of two generations, has focused on quality raw materials and innovative, flexible processes to make its mark on the market. It has been working with SCM for decades and this has culminated in the purchase of the automatic "pro evolution" cell, a genuine excellence from the range for the production of windows and doors.

A family run business which has been operational for over 45 years and whose key to success lies in the continuous innovation of its products and production processes.

The Dutch company, Jongbloed Timmerfabriek is a leader in the production of wooden windows and doors for residential, commercial and industrial construction, as well as one of SCM's long-standing customers. At the heart of this relationship, based on strong friendship, trust and reciprocal respect, is a common and genuine vocation for wood. There could be no other material at the heart of work produced by Jongbloed in its modern factory in Winschoten, in the province of Groningen: unique in its ability to bring warmth, style and hospitality to a room, wood plays an increasingly more important role in the windows and doors industry which requires material that is increasingly more resistant, good quality and eco-sustainable. As well as that, the company exclusively uses quality wood for the production of frames, windows and doors, originating from certified, responsibly managed forests.


Constant state-of-the-art technologies

Product and process sustainability is a genuine trademark, but that is not all.

Every year, the Jongbloed family invests in new machinery to stay abreast with the latest technological evolutions and equip itself with production systems that are faster and more flexible.

A constantly open approach to innovation that Bruun Jongbloed, current general manager, inherited from his father Klaas, company president.

It was, in fact, Klaas who purchased the first SCM machine in the 1970s and who selected many more after that, for different machining processes, including throughfeed moulders, machining centres, sanders and panel sizing machines.

Internalise and optimise the entire production process is an advantage in terms of time and money.

Even more so when the client does not fit a single identikit: in the case of Jongbloed, production is aimed at both large scale tout court construction projects as well as smaller sized businesses doing renovation work or simply replacing single elements on the façade, a job which is no less difficult in terms of the rapidity of delivery times and the quality and resistance of the end product.

Pro evolution: the SCM cell with maximum flexibility

A company of the calibre of Jongbloed requires automated production processes, speed and flexibility.

The aim is to strive towards the ability to personalise which is not, however, always easy if fast delivery times and competitive pricing are to be upheld.

This is where the latest "made in SCM" purchase comes into play: “pro evolution”. This is one of the technological excellences from the Italian group best suited to the production of windows and doors and delivered to Jongbloed last winter. 

The customer had already purchased a previous model in 2015 and, based on the excellent results achieved in terms of efficiency, quality and productivity, chose a second state-of-the-art version: Cause for all-round satisfaction that rewards the work done by the whole SCM team in researching and developing solutions for the market that are increasingly more custom based and sophisticated, even for the varied world of windows and doors.

But let's find out more about this product. "pro evolution” is an automatic cell that allows for the machining of sequences of pieces that are completely different from one another.

The vast area of the loading and unloading systems of pieces reduces operator intervention to a minimum.

The worktable with exclusive and individually programmable grippers, guarantees maximum clamping during the machining on all sides of the workpiece.

Another distinctive "plus" of the cell comes from the possibility of the two operator groups to work in splitting, for an excellent quality and exact finishing.

Furthermore, the cycle time speed is further supported by the capacity of the tool magazines and vast centre-to-centre between the positions. The machine is always ready to produce any kind of piece, eliminating fixturing times. 


We chose the “pro evolution” automatic cell because SCM has been our technological partner for over fourty years” states Bruun Jongbloed. “We have been working closely since the 1980s to optimize all the different parts of our production process. From a shared passion for wood as a beautiful and sustainable natural raw material, we seek to combine speed, flexibility and customization as efficiently as possible with the latest technologies”.


Thanks to the SCM cell, the company  has managed to handle all parts of its products with the same production solution, thus considerably simplifying its production processes.

Bruun Jongbloed is also satisfied with the assistance and technical support they received from SCM. “There are always teething problems with new developments. After all, the ‘pro evolution’ is not a standard machine. But these issues have been jointly registered and quickly resolved. SCM also has a good team of technicians who carry out maintenance with us”.

Continuing to invest and innovate: this is the key that has always opened the doors of success to Jongbloed.

Jongbloed (Netherlands)

A factory in continuous evolution

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