A full day of cross training on “Surface Technologies” with experts on all the technologies involved in the process: sanding, pressing and painting. The event was hosted at the headquarters of Superfici, SCM's finishing specialist and talks were given by the experts Andrea Perego and Antonio Roveda from Henkel, the well-known glue manufacturer, who illustrated the different kinds of glues available on the market and their various uses.
From painting, the focus shifted to another equally important stage in the surface treatment process: sanding. Talks were given by the product managers of the most valued SCM technologies in this sector, the dmc models, perfectly integrated with Superfici solutions to allow businesses in the wood industry to achieve those sought-after, exclusive effects. Plenty of interest was also shown in the demos of the different technologies on display at the Superfici Technology Center, which provided concrete examples of the considerable application advantages of the vast range of SCM products. The day was rounded off with the third key player in the "Surface Treatment" process: pressing. It was the turn of SCM's experts on sergiani solutions to show off their range of products with particular focus on the membrane pressing process.
Sanding, finishing and pressing: three technologies closely interconnected and complementary to one another which provide the best in terms of quality and design. An offer which only SCM, with the help of Superfici, can bring to the market.