BCE Glass Industry


The power of exclusivity: BCE Glass Industry

We had the privilege of gaining access to the BCE Glass Industry, a global leader since 1970 in the supply of glass to the marine, automotive, aerospace and architectural industries. The glass on luxury yachts that cruise the seas all over the world, those on aircrafts or in exclusive super cars are designed and produced in Istanbul, Turkey where BCE Glass Industry has its headquarters.

We use the term privilege because highly sophisticated processes take place inside the plant, like the processing of large-size curved glass, that means the company can offer the market top quality services. They showed us the incredible work behind this huge success.

Everything inside is spotlessly clean, perfectly organized and with attention paid to the tiniest detail. The over 2,500 unique projects achieved are for clients who leave no margin for error. Everything has to be perfect. Expectations are always extremely high and satisfying them is what pleases the people at BCE the most, even when they have to assume that bit more responsibility.

The company is continually expanding, both in terms of figures and technology. They aim to raise the bar time and again without fear of failing, and go where others fear to tread. Thanks to the new CMS maxima machining center and the advanced system developed by CMS created from a combination of three elements (specific 3d software, laser detection system of the models and new locking system for the glass with suction cups in different positions) BCE Glass Industry is the ideal partner to its demanding clients in the marine, automotive, aerospace and architectural world.

"Since BCE is producing exclusive and special products to the market,

we decided to choose CMS maxima which is a special and exclusive machine that has specifications that are above the standards in the market."

-  Kubilay Eylen -

BCE Glass (Turkey)

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