The most AGILE solutions for plastic sheets machining and protective screens production



Confident of its thirty-year experience in CNC machining of plastic materials, CMS now offers the most complete range of machinery and solutions for plastic sheets machining and production of protective screens.



  • Adaptable: widest range of best-in-class heads and spindles for all machining needs up to 15kw and 40,000 rpm
  • Global+33% available dynamic vacuum zones on the work tables with unique vacuum management solutions, thanks to the dynamic X-Vacuum system
  • Innovativewidest choice of Z workpiece passage from 150mm up to 1200mm in 5 axes
  • Lean17% average surface saving due to incomparable optimization of encumbrance thanks to the available “pro-speed” and “pro-space” solutions
  • Efficient: widest range of work tables characterized by perfect planarity for any clamping and machining needs


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