System 8. Moulding, tenoning, drilling/milling and profiling - Output 3000 pcs/shift

Automation system   Throughfeed moulders   Profiling machines and double-end tenoners   Drilling solutions  ■ Tenoners, mortisers, double sided shaper  


Integrated line for window-frames production.


  • High production flexibility thanks to the automatic set-up units that minimise production changeover times.
  • High customisation of window and door frame dimensions thanks to a tenoning machine capable of working in batch 1.
  • High productivity ensured by optimising the production flows of interconnection between machines and automation.
  • Ease of management through integrated line control with a single supervisor suitable for data exchange with ERP and MES software of the customer.
  • High quality standards achieved through the use of solutions (Colibri) that avoid the typical chipping in solid wood process.
Pieces size    
Width  mm  40 ÷ 150 
Thickness mm  40 ÷ 120 
Length mm 220 (inside tenon) ÷ 3500 (total length)
Operators  n. 2
Required space  m2 ~ 830
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