A wooden soul to cultivate green building

Technologies for houses and construction elements

For over thirty years, Gelsomino Edilizia has been producing and building wooden structures and houses. The production site in Manfredonia, in the province of Foggia, has over thirty employees and is a reference point for the development of sustainable building in Southern Italy.

Two different souls, one made of wood and the other of steel, but more united than ever. It is from this union that Gelsomino Edilizia was born, which since 2010, going against the market trend, has chosen to specialise in the sale of dry systems for thermal, acoustic and fireproof insulation, shifting its core-business to wood and iron.

Over time, however, the company's vocation for sustainability took over along with its strong dedication to wood, which led it to find in SCM the ideal technological partner.

Gelsomino Edilizia has grown over time and is now based in Manfredonia, in the province of Foggia, on an area of more than 5000 square metres with an extensive warehouse and a production area with 4.0 technology machines.

We spoke with owner Roberto Gelsomino and sales manager Antonella Battista.

"Ours is a family-run company that has been present in the area for more than thirty years,' Roberto Gelsomino begins. 'My father was a building contractor, and ever since I was a child I have breathed the dust of the construction site.


I was very fascinated by the industry and everything related to construction and the production of all components. Today, we want to promote a new ecological vision of building, to make our contribution to a new model that is more sustainable and respectful of the environment and people.

This project of ours led us to choose SCM in order to offer a quality product and to be better organised in our company and on the building site. We work in a geographical area limited to the regions of Puglia and Molise, but our customers can carry out their work 500 km away and we also assist them remotely. We are also investing in creating more culture and more business in our region: we want to make our region grow”.

Gelsomino Edilizia mainly builds wooden houses with respect for the environment and people.

"Today we produce wooden houses in their wholeness with dry systems,' explains Roberto Gelsomino. 'We are also currently an authorised centre for the transformation and shaping of steel for reinforcing iron. We have two souls: that of constructing rebar to make the rafters of wooden and non-wooden houses, a large business that structures and economically supports this reality, and that of making 'natural' constructions. Today our core-business is steel, but I want it to become wood. We are preparing to build the first two turnkey houses on land not far from here: a good message, which will be a turning point in our area".

A complete and certified wooden building, from the foundations to the roof

The customer is always at the centre, as Antonella Battista points out, from consultancy and design to implementation, thanks to a specialised installation team. "Our technical department collaborates with architects, engineers and designers to help find the most suitable solutions for the customer’s needs. The design work starts with the customer's drawing or their requests. We do not produce standard models but highly customised and unique structures. Once the final design is approved, we proceed with the definition of all technical details. Once the executive design is complete, production of the elements starts on SCM's 'oikos x' CNC machining centre. The technicians organise the team of fitters who will carry out the assembly and follow all the production phases”.

What has changed with the latest purchase of the SCM machining centre?

'The mentality has changed,' Roberto Gelsomino explains. 'Oikos x has transformed the entire production area into a digitised 4.0 technology area!

The partnership with SCM came about thanks to the technological know-how it offered and its consultancy service, first and foremost the product area manager Paolo Forza, who gave us an in-depth insight into the potential of working with a high-tech machine. The training service with SCM experts during the delivery and start-up of the machine was vital for the training of our employees. Thanks to SCM technology, it is now possible to achieve every type of cut with millimetre precision, with no more need for adjustments and reshaping on site. The drawings are processed digitally, from design to cutting. The elements coming out of the 'oikos x' machine do not require any further processing, so that installation is speeded up. The elements are of highest precision and allow for perfect, simple and fast assembly of the house. Technological progress has made it possible to cut down production time, because a large part of the production process is carried out in the factory when designing and cutting the panels that will then be assembled".

Industry 4.0 with SCM

"Project modelling becomes fundamental for the definition of all the information that will be transmitted to the machining centre. The 'oikos x' will then, on the basis of this, carry out all the operations necessary for the production of the entire job.

This digital exchange of information between the modelling and the machine becomes important with a view to optimised management of the production process.

Since investing in the wood sector, Gelsomino Edilizia has employed seven people for whom SCM's training has been really valuable in instilling step by step not only the practical information but also the culture that is inherent to working with this material.

SCM provided us with a made-in-Italy solution with the ability to manage and repair it independently. I didn't buy a machine that could only do one thing well, but a very flexible and versatile technology: this is important".

Gelsomino Edilizia is a company that is constantly on the move, as demonstrated by the acquisition of Arredo Legno, a brand specialising in the sale and installation of finishing for civil homes and commercial premises.

Gelsomino Edilizia and Arredo Legno join forces with the aim of being able to offer customers the home of their dreams from the foundations to the smallest finishing. All this under the banner of two shared values that SCM also fully espouses: innovation and respect for the environment.

Sonia Maritan (STRUTTURA LEGNO n. 42 – 09/2023)

Gelsomino Edilizia


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