23-27 September
Verona, Italy
bremabana kartesia f
3- or 4-axis numerically controlled machining center with automatic stop and suction cup positioning system
brembana speed
3/4 interpolated axes monobloc machining center. It can perform each type of raw and polished contouring, as well as milling, drilling, countersinking, bas relief, and writing.
brembana kosmos
5-axis CNC monolithic bridge saw It’s the new generation of a numerically controlled 5 axes Bridge Saws. Extremely compact and easy to install; it doesn’t require any foundations, even as a possibile re-installation.
brembana easyline
3 and 5-axis water jet cutting system brembana easyline is a high-performance, versatile, modular water jet cutting system - either pure or hydroabrasive - which can be employed in a number of application fields for the most diverse production demands.
brembana e-pump
Is the latest innovation in the range of CMS Stone Technology intensifiers created as a continuation of the quest by CMS for efficiency, performance, energy consumption and low environmental impact in the world of pressure intensifiers for waterjet cutting applications.