Connected machines are the present, not the future!

25 May 2022

Connected machines are the present, not the future!


Mistral Optical is a company producing, on average, 50,000 pairs of glasses a month. It is located in Quero Vas in the region of Belluno, global center for eyewear. Working on a pair of glasses is a complex operation that needs to find the perfect balance between expert manpower and automated work done by machines. There are about 30 intermediate stages.

Knowing exactly at which stage a product can be found in the various processes, at any given time, is the turning point in the entire production chain; representing real added value in the service offered to one’s clients.


Precisely with this in mind, the company decided to connect the numerous CMS machines together, from the latest additions to older versions.

Luca Stramare, son of one of the company’s owners, sums up the main benefits of the action taken: “We have less waste: less time wasted, and less money wasted because all the rejected items are counted. I can use tracking so we can provide the customer with more accurate answers. We now try to avoid delivery times of a week and cut them down to a day”.

How can this objective be achieved?

By using MES (Manufacturing Execution System) software that helps the customer manage its clients’ production cycle.


CMS can provide the solution to allow its machines to converse with the CMS-Connect or third-party MES purchasable IoT platform.

At any given time, the data in question can be extracted, examined, and analyzed. A huge advantage, as well as an exclusive service to its customers.


N.B. The work was completed in a joint collaboration between Mistral, Phase software house and CMS.