Grupo Escato

Furniture Technologies


Innovation that puts on a show

The Mexican company, Grupo Escato is a world leader in corporate staging. Established in 1988, it has famous clients like BBVA Bancomer, Santander, Citibanamex, HSBC, Telefónica Movistar, AT&T, Avaya and Nestlé, to name but a few. Continually in search of top quality innovation, Grupo Escato needed to find a single space in which to converge all the work and all-round services offered to its clients. One of its key requirements was to be able to count on a flexible production system, capable of meeting a highly varied and complex demand from its target market.


In search of perfection and on the verge of becoming a World Class company, Grupo Escato is not only the top Mexican manufacturer of corporate furniture and fittings but prefers to talk about "staging" rather than furnishings, expo spaces and installations. A number of its creations are genuine works of art, giving companies and brands it works with a chance to offer a unique experience. A few months ago, Grupo Escato celebrated its thirtieth anniversary and for the occasion, inaugurated its new Escato Operating Centre (COE), a state-of-the-art complex located in Lema, in the State of Mexico, one of the country's most important industrial areas. The modern industrial complex, developed thanks to the investment of 80 million dollars, covers more than 54,000 square metres, 34,000 of which set aside for the industrial area, with the most up-to-date machinery for wood, metal and plastic processing, a laboratory for developing prototypes and R&D work and 3,500m2 of office space.
The idea of creating environments that operate, communicate and sell, is the defining backbone of the work of this highly innovative company which nowadays, with its COE, has generated more than 1,000 direct jobs and around 3,600 indirect jobs. This allows it to be a partner to more than 180 national and international brands, developing an average of 1,800 projects per year.

Its partnership with SCM. For its new Operating Centre, SCM, a multinational partner of state-of-the-art companies including the furniture industry, has provided this leader on the Mexican market with more than 40 machines worth in excess of 6 million Euro. A record purchase, that enriches and notably increases the technological equipment of the Grupo Escato, one of the most important "players" in Latin America and, thanks to its branch in Spain, also at global level. “The new Escato Operating Centre gives us the chance to offer a platform of solutions with an all-round vision, to fully meet our clients’ communication and image demands, in line with the internationalisation and consolidation strategy that distinguishes a world class company like ours”, comments Gabriel Gadsden, President and founder of Grupo Escato.

Grupo Escato designs and creates all-round communication solutions, made-to-measure environments that combine elegance and innovation, corporate and trade fair fittings and staging for companies across the world, as well as furnishings for banks, offices, restaurants and shops. Wood takes centre stage as a material, followed by metal and plastic. The process solution provided by SCM is the result of all-round focused and in-depth consulting and design work by the SCM Engineering team, launched half way through 2016. This company was in need of a single production site organised into several "small factories", each one specialising in a process, but above all, it needed to simplify its production and make it faster and more flexible. Group Escato's problem was dealing with several different requests from such a wide variety of clients, something like 1,500 different orders a year. A process that risked becoming extremely chaotic: this is where the need for flexible, easy-to-use machinery stemmed from, that considerably simplified their work and generated a significant saving in time and resources.

SCM's singular decision to offer itself as a consultant rather than a sales organisation made all the difference. After an initial order in 2017, that covered 85% of the technological equipment at the new plant, the remaining 15% was purchased the following year, in sign of the significant trust earned. “The extensive and in-depth know-how of the professionals involved, more than 30 designers and service technicians, ensured the delivery of the most highly approved of SCM's technologies and services around the world for panel machining: from gabbiani sectioning solutions to Stefani solutions for edgebanding; from morbidelli boring centres to action assembly machines, as well as dmc sanding machines, celaschi squaring machines and morbidelli edgebanding work centres, 3 and 5 axes balestrini machining centres for solid wood that the professionals at the Grupo Escato use mainly for creating three-dimensional prototype models.

Grupo Escato keeps a close eye on new digital frontiers and opted for Maestro smartech in its most recent order: the innovative remote assistance and maintenance system created by SCM, with augmented reality glasses: Escato workers can receive support in real time from experts at the SCM branch in Mexico or, alternatively, from the US branch in Atlanta or directly from the service centre in Italy". In fact, assistance is one of the priorities of the consulting project provided by SCM. The after-sales service, optimal use of the plant, management of the team of support technicians and training for the client become just as important as the positive result in sales.

“Thanks to the project developed with SCM – they tell us from the Grupo Escato – we have increased the production levels of wooden furniture, reduced client response times and improved the accuracy level of our processings. The advantages achieved by the integration between all the SCM machines are mainly a greater control and traceability of processed pieces and an increase in the quality of assemblies and products throughout the production process".

Grupo Escato is the first Mexican company to have received the PRIME prize, awarded by BANCOMEXT, AMIB and BMV, that allows it to be quoted on the stock market and continue to build itself up as a solid, competitive company. Thanks to the experience and quality of the products and services offered, Grupo Escato was named one of the 99 "Best Mexican Companies" of 2018. Other awards include "gold winner" of the APEX Awards 2019 in the "Public Spaces" category and at the Fitur 2019, prize for best pavilion for the Canary Islands awarded by PROMOTUR.

Grupo Escato

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