También este año SCM, líder en las tecnologías para el trabajo derivado de la madera, será protagonista en Xylexpo, cuya 26ª edición tendrá lugar en la Expo Milán-Rho, del 8 al 12 de mayo 2018.
Con un espacio expositivo de más de 3.000 m², en la Hall 2, el Grupo de Rimini, fuerte de un crecimiento de doble dígitos en los últimos dos años, tanto como resultados globales como en el solo sector de la madera, confirma su fuerte y decenal interés en el mercado italiano y europeo. Importantes y visionarios los objetivos que SCM tiene guardados para el 50° aniversario de la expo de Milán y que tendrán un fuerte impacto en el desarrollo del sector entero.
“Xylexpo será para SCM uno de los eventos clave a nivel internacional para presentar la innovación tecnológica a los máximos niveles – declara Luigi De Vito, SCM Division and Group Sales & Marketing Director. –Disponer de sistemas productivos confiables, integrados y competitivos en un contexto económico en clara recuperación se demostrará estratégico y determinante tanto para los grandes grupos industriales como para toda la industria. SCM es desde siempre el partner sólido y fiel para el entero sector de las tecnologías de la madera, con esta clara misión la nuestra presencia se expresará a través de la más amplia gama de soluciones capaces de trabajar e interactuar según las lógicas 4.0”.
La respuesta SCM que simplifica el trabajo cotidiano aumentando las prestaciones
SCM presentará en Xylexpo soluciones aplicables de “Industria 4.0". En la expo de Milán, en la superficie dedicada al coloso de Rimini, serán protagonistas los nuevos sistemas digitales ideados por SCM: productos y servicios hechos posibles por una siempre más capilar recolección y análisis de datos, que permiten un control de la calidad y cantidad de la producción – del desarrollo tecnológico e informático de cada máquina y de su capacidad de operar en celdas y sistemas de celdas.
Los clientes SCM podrán descubrir el Digital Hub, un espacio de presentación y compartición donde serán protagonistas el nuevo panel operador de última generación, multi-función, wide-screen y multi-touch (eye-M), el innovador sistema de asistencia y manutención remota con lentes de realidad aumentada (Maestro smartech), la potente Maestro suite, sistema software completo para todos los tipos y métodos de trabajo, el sistema de simulación Celdas Integradas en Realidad Virtual 3D (Maestro xplore) y otras soluciones digitales que perfeccionan la relación hombre-máquina simplificando y acelerando siempre más los procesos productivos.
At Xylexpo SCM will present Maestro connect, the highly innovative "IoT" (Internet of Things) tools platform, enabling data retrieval from the machines for later analysis.
This is at the heart of the "smart factory" concept, which is simply a system that is able to monitor and optimise production processes so as to achieve predictive maintenance, which allows you to anticipate any possible need for extraordinary maintenance, thus avoiding potential downtimes.
Entre estas novedades destaca Maestro smartech, el innovador sistema de asistencia y manutención remota con lentes de realidad aumentada, para tener siempre un técnico SCM cerca, experimentando la llegada de la tecnología wearable.
En evidencia también: eye-M, el nuevo panel operador de última generación, multifunción y multi-touch, con pantalla de 21.5ˈˈ, capaz de llevar el feeling y el enfoque móvil al ambiente industrial.
El sistema de simulación para plantas y celdas integradas en realidad virtual 3D con visor Oculus, para una experiencia de inmersión y sensorial entre las soluciones SCM dedicadas a la producción integrada.
Entre las aplicaciones que serán objeto de demo interactivas con los clientes: Maestro 3D, la respuesta sencilla y extremadamente eficaz de SCM para el diseño y la programación de objetos tridimensionales 3D, Maestro cut y ottimo cut para el manejo y la optimización avanzada de seccionado, Maestro watch, el supervisor de línea de producción, Maestro pro-edge, para la programación y la supervisión de enchapado linear, Maestro beam&wall para el diseño y la programación de vigas y paredes.
Se volverá a proponer también este año el sistema interactivo gracias a grandes videowall (6x3,4 m), para ofrecer una versión virtual única de sus propias tecnologías, reproducidas en tamaño real y con extraordinaria lealtad, con inéditas posibilidades de interacción por partes de los visitantes.
En el innovador y multimedia espacio expositivo de SCM en Xylexpo estarán en función nuevas soluciones para cada proceso productivo industrial, del mueble a la náutica, de los sistemas para puertas y ventanas a la construcción, y las más confiables máquinas para carpintería.
Para cada trabajo y exigencia productiva la tecnología SCM representa una aplicación concreta de los conceptos de ‘’Industria 4.0” y de “mass customizacion”, con el objetivo de satisfacer las necesidades individuales del cliente, manteniendo las ventajas de la producción industrial.
Las novedades tecnológicas SCM abrazarán toda la gama de soluciones en muestra para el sector: de los centros de trabajo y fresado para el panel a los centros de trabajo para la madera sólida y la construcción en madera, de las propuesta para el enchapado y el escuadrado-enchapado al seccionado, del lijado al acabado de las superficies, del ensamblaje al montaje y al prensado, de las soluciones específicas para puertas y ventanas a las para el escuadrado-espigado y perfilado, automatización y movimiento automáticos de primer nivel, sin dejar afuera la más amplia y buscada colección de máquinas para carpintería artesanal.
Solid-Wood Machining Centres and Technology
In the field of solid wood machining and technologies, SCM offers a selection of possible applications for the production of windows, doors, stairs, chairs, design creations and furnishing accessories. The Accord range will be prominently featured at the Milan show: accord 42 fx will be joined by the highly flexible machining centre accord 50 fxm, for the processing of complex, large-sized items and for multiple fields of use, and by accord wd, the integrated cell for door and window manufacturing offering the same operation flexibility as a stand-alone machine.
The focus will also be on superset nt 32, the moulding machine enabling endless applications, and the balestrini line of compact tenoning/mortising machines pico md3 and pico om for special joints, as well as on the 5 axis, high precision power machining centre, in line with the increasingly demanding and varied requirements of the woodworking industry.
Among the new products at Xylexpo, the squaring machine p40 by celaschi, able to machine both solid wood and panels, and settable to machine joining grooves and J-Shape profiles and to perform straight or inclined machining. A fully electronic machine, it is equipped with latest generation electronic control and comes with the Maestro square software which makes it a 4.0 machine in all respects.
Panel Machining and Drilling Centres
Among the panel machining centres, in addition to the most eagerly awaited new design at Xylexpo, morbidelli m220, the morbidelli p200 drilling, milling and edging machining centre will also be standing out for its innovative edge-banding unit, which can process up to 80 mm thick panels, and for its exclusive HE-POD suction cups, making the most of the machining centre potential thanks to alternate workpiece lifting.
Limitless cutting with Maestro Cut
Among SCM cutting options, gabbiani g 3/gt 3 165 is the latest addition to the already well known gabbiani g 3 / gt 3 series designed to meet all the needs of companies that need to machine medium to large batches in a continuously evolving market. Thanks to the Maestro cut software, the new operator interface has been designed according to "4.0 industry" principles and is now fully integrated in the "easy & responsive" production system.
Fast and high-quality edge-banding
As for edge-banding, SCM presents new devices starting from the olimpic range: its new range of Fastback panel return systems that increases the production efficiency of the stand-alone edge-banding machine, up to 20-30% with a single machine operator and an air-cushion bench positioned infeed which considerably helps the operator when processing panels of great dimensions.
A model to be pointed out is olimpic k 560, the reference machine for small woodworking companies, which further increases its performances thanks to the possibility to machine solid wood edges up to 12 mm thickness, for a greater versatility of use.
Highlights for SCM edgebanding machines also the new AirFusion+ device, which helps the hot-air/zero glue line application increase productivity by +10% and cut start-up times by 50%. Among the machines on display, which include with the new HMI "eye-M" with 21.5" multitouch display featuring 3D preview of the machined panel, there is stefani xd, the most up-to-date application of the wealth of expertise acquired by SCM in the field of industrial edge-banding. Among its added values are the generation E spindles, designed to provide a solid balance between lightweight machining and new rigidity standards.
New goals for sanding
The showcased sanding solutions are also expected to be of great interest for the furniture industry and contractors who need solutions suitable for intensive use and able to ensure striking and highly customisable results: from dmc system t4, able to achieve, thanks to its internal cross-belt unit and planetary unit, excellent finishes on both unpainted and painted panels, to dmc system t5 equipped with two carver units and a saw cutting unit, particularly suitable for obtaining effects such as carving, band saw cutting or structured effects.
Pressing: an extended range to cater for all market sectors
SCM also intends to further strengthen its role as a pressing segment player with an even wider range of solutions, able to respond to all market requirements. In addition to the manual sergiani gs and automatic sergiani ga-a hot processing presses, designed to meet a variety of customer needs, particularly in the field of panel and door machining, SCM now plans to expand its presence in the pressing segment with pf cold-working presses, gsl-a and gsl-k presses for strip panels, 3d form for membranes, vb vacuum boxes and various line solutions featuring simultaneous loading single and multi-compartment automatic presses.
Optimal waste-free finishing with Maestro
The SCM range is completed by the Surface finishing solutions: from Maestro, anthropomorphic robot for the quality paint finishing of doors and windows, to the Magnum sprayer, with its integrated user-friendly, intuitive software able to manage parameters, functions, diagnostics and recipes.
Woodworking machines: an "Invincible" story
Last but not least, the evergreen joinery machines, world-leading top class designs combining unique performance and continuous innovation. These features are confirmed by the complete range of solutions displayed at the fair, and most remarkably, by "L'invincibile" range with its upgraded design and technological features, an absolute market benchmark in terms of precision, reliability and safety. The dual tilt introduced in the circular saws si x of the L'invincibile range is now extended to the smaller "minimax" version with the introduction of the minimax si x model with +/-46° tilting blade and programmable motor-driven movement. At Xylexpo, the focus will also be on the combined edge rounder-trimmer unit for edge-banding machines - the ideal one-stop machine for facing and trimming the front and rear ends of panels and at the same time, rounding the front and back edges. The new VF extractors are innovative technology, clean air filters that complete the widest range of woodworking machinery on the market. Low-noise and efficient, they are ideal for any work environment.
Come and see the whole SCM balestrini range in the new plant in Zogno (BG). Guided tour with free transfer by bus from Milano Fiera, on 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th May.
Exclusively in Zogno, balestrini cube, the 5-axis machining centre with two independent working units. Machine and Robot into One!
1:00 pm - Meeting point by SCM booth at Xylexpo (Hall 2)
1.30 pm - Transfer
2.45 pm - Visit of the SCM balestrini plant in Zogno
4.15 pm - Transfer
5.15 pm - Arrival at Milano Fiera