The social app uniting the entire Scm Group

7 مـی 2020

Working with this Group means being part of a community of 4000 people spread across the entire globe. An essential human resource for our company which we are proud of, but also an important resource which we need to make the most of, in terms of relations.

This is why Management instantly took to this new project: the Scm Group Social App. An application designed to connect and keep colleagues around the world more easily in touch with one another. A project devised by our employees as part of the Corporate Social Responsibility scheme aimed at improving the quality of life of each worker, both in and outside of the company.

What does it involve

The Scm Group social app is a virtual space set out as a genuine social network, arranged into several "communities" where news, innovative ideas and opinions of common interest can be exchanged and where useful services and opportunities from the areas of the different Group headquarters can be shared; a place where one can feel closer together, from one end of the world to another.

The application can be accessed by smartphone as well as from a PC, making it accessible to every employee: from production units to offices.

A communication tool designed so that being a part of this company can tangibly represent an opportunity to be taken advantage of every day, sharing a world of useful services with all of us.

A way to collaborate more rapidly on matters linked to work, thanks to the opportunity to be a part of specific communities for each area, site, organisation and company project.

Indeed, the social app is highly customisable and will gradually expand with contributions from every employee.

Link with the surrounding areas

The Scm Group social app also stems from the desire to enhance the relationship with the surrounding areas in which Scm Group operates: from the area where the Group was founded, the province of Rimini to the one where it expanded, the rest of the world. This tool and the various "communities" that will gradually expand within it, thanks to the initiative of the employees themselves, will make it possible to post and share services, opportunities, initiatives and events in the different areas, with colleagues, making them more accessible.

Remaining close, even from afar

The current situation linked to the spread of COVID-19 across the globe has further convinced the Group of the need for a communication tool of this kind, which can help further break down distance barriers and share information and experience between the different headquarters around the world. As Marco Mancini, General Manager says, "We believe this social app may prove to be even more useful and valuable in strengthening the important aspects of "being a team" and "staying in touch"; values which are key to restarting with even greater determination and facing the new challenges which await us, united as one".