
Tecnologies pour le meuble

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Roller Coater Filling Machine Valtorta S4 - SCM Group

valtorta s4 - filling machine

The Valtorta S4 is a plaster machine and it is suitable for the use of recirculating fillers. The head is composed of an application unit that applies the product and a chromed steel roller that turning in the opposite direction, compresses the product...

Roller Coater Filling Machine Valtorta S4 - SCM Group

valtorta s4 - filling machine

The Valtorta S4 is a plaster machine and it is suitable for the use of recirculating fillers. The head is composed of an application unit that applies the product and a chromed steel roller that turning in the opposite direction, compresses the product...

Roller Coater Valtorta F1 - SCM Group

valtorta f1

Thanks to Superfici’s vast experience in finishing, the Valtorta F1 is a fast and efficient roller coating machine which is suitable for finishing flat panels, doors, parquet, and furniture panels. Its technology and features are perfectly integrated...

UV Dryer Poliedra - SCM Group


Poliedra is a dryer suitable for the curing of UV lacquers on three-dimensional surfaces. In the case of spray applications, the UV dryer must also cure the product applied to the vertical edges of the panel. Superfici developed UV modules with special...

UV Dryer Supercure - SCM Group


High efficiency electronic system for UV modules, which guarantees maximum stability to the lamps and reduced energy consumption. The system is applied to each UV Surfaces module. The systems are integrated with a touch panel connected to a small PLC...

Upper Brushing Machine 2S - SCM Group


Brushing machine with two upper brusche for the deep clearing of the top off lat panels. The machine can be equipped with an upper and lower brush complete with individual suction hood. Available as options are blowers and antistatic bars. The machine...

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Ligne pour le calibrage et le ponçage dessus/dessous dédiée aux grandes entreprises de l'industrie du bois, qui se caractérisent par une production intensive (heavy-duty) avec des vitesses d'avance élevées et d'importants retraits de...