Perazzi & CMS

advanced material

99 out of 100

The super-champion Jessica Rossi wins in London with an extraordinary performance. A result achieved with her trusty Perazzi shotgun, with its wooden rifle butt ergonomically customised to her personal athletic characteristics, thanks to CMS machines.


With a performance close to perfection, Jessica Rossi astonished the world by shooting 99 clays out of 100 and winning Olympic gold in London, in the Olympic trap category. The Italian, just 20 years old and originally from Crevalcore, proved a faultless sniper, surpassing all the other finalists. A natural talent in perfect harmony with her gun: a Perazzi rifle customised to her specific physical and athletic characteristics. The concept of personalisation is, moreover, key to the philosophy of Perazzi and to its market position. A winning choice, considering that 12 of the 15 medals won at the Olympics in London in 2012 in the categories of trap and skeet shooting were won by shooters with rifles from the Brescia company. 


Such great supremacy warrants the question: where does this formidable quality come from, this ability to enter into an ideal symbiosis with so many shooters who differ in their particular physical form and in the way they use their gun? 

One of the decisive factors in the quality of the Perazzi rifle is the manufacture of the stocks customised to each shooter to optimise placement on the shoulder and maximum alignment between body and gun in a way that is effortless and natural for the athlete. That is why the processing of rifle stocks must meet the requirements not only of precision, but also of versatility. And this is also why the Perazzi has always turned to CMS. The processing wood machines used in the Perazzi production line ensure maximum precision in processing and versatility. 

CMS’s long-term and qualified expertise in numerically-controlled technology includes specific solutions, directly worked out with the customer companies operating in the field, as regards gunstocks and engraved parts.
Precision, versatility and high production volumes are the outcome of technological choices concerning both the early roughing of the solid-wood gunstocks and the following targeted machining operations involving the external surface.



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