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Verwerking van persoonsgegevens in overeenstemming met wetsdecreet 196/03 en AVG 679/2016 en de toepasselijke wetgeving
AVG* Autorisatie/strong
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Marketing Autorisatie
Ik stem er hierbij mee in dat mijn persoonlijke gegevens worden verwerkt voor marketingdoeleinden in overeenstemming met het privacybeleid.

Autorisatie aan derden
Ik geef hierbij toestemming voor het doorgeven van mijn persoonsgegevens aan derden, inclusief bedrijven in de groep en/of externe derden buiten de groep, zoals branche-exploitanten voor hun marketingdoeleinden.

* bij het ontbreken van deze autorisatie kunnen wij uw verzoek niet in behandeling nemen.


single matrix

All of Superfici's UV LED systems, on paper and on critical substrates, are installed in the machine without any modifications which results in an energy saving of about 70% and eliminates the anti-friction dust and unnecessary noise and odors inside of...

double matrix

All UV LED Superfici’s curing, on paper and on critical substrates, are installed in the machine without any modifications which results in an energy saving of about 70% and eliminates the powder spraying and unnecessary noise and odors...

Drying Systems Fast Dry - Infrared and Hot Air Drying - SCM Group

FAST DRY - Infrared and hot air drying

Drying system studied for finishing processes with high productivity where is necessary drying of traditional inks and lacquers on offset machines. Fastdry is an infrared-hot air drying system created with a heating coil that feeds air blades. Both the...

Moduli UV SWU/MWU/LWU - SCM Group

MODULI UV SWU-MWU-LWU - air cooling

The new range of UV modules, suitable for both sheet-to-sheet and reel printing, combines high power and small size and eliminates the problem of using water for cooling.

UV Modular Units Slimcure Water Cooling - SCM Group

SLIMCURE - UV modular units - water cooling

If there are some space problems, it is necessary to use small UV modules mounted directly inside the printing machine. Being very small also the heat dissipation surfaces are reduced and therefore it is necessary to resort to a fluid cooling. The Labes...

UV Dryers Metalcure - SCM Group


Superfici has created a system dedicated to the intermediate and final curing of UV inks on metal for the metal decorating market. RELIABILITY, EASE OF USE AND SPEED OF PRODUCTION are the qualities that characterised UV ECO metal Superfici systems,...