
Technologie dla rzemieślnika

We met Marco Clozza of d3wood, a company that can not be defined with few words, but that we will try to present in this article in the most thorough and exhaustive way.

First of all, we introduce the founder, Marco, who after his studies at the Politecnico of Milan, the long-term collaboration with the professor and friend Marco Imperadori (Ordinary Construction Production and holder of the Chair of Design and Technological Innovation at the Politecnico di Milano ) and several years of work as an engineer, decided to change substantially his career, devoting himself to wood as the material of choice and exploring it (and working it) under all the possible and practicable aspects.

But let's take a step back, when Marco has decided to take this path.

He tells us that his brother is also a very important part of the project, providing the wood that is then worked by d3wood. He owns a company that deals with timber cutting, not only in the wooded areas where it is allowed, but also with private customers who often ask Marco to make wooden artifacts from their cut trees .

This aspect in itself is already a beautiful story, to keep living a tree, in a different form from the native one.

"It happens that for various reasons, the owner of the plant is forced to cut it down, but so strong is the link with the tree that he feels the need to not separate from it so he asks me create an artifact with the cut tree, to make sure that the stories of the owner and the tree continue to travel together" says Marco, while he shows us the "warehouse" where he keeps all the cut timber, located at the foot of a beautiful mountain that guards the city of Lecco. In the cool shade of these trees, with the background sound of a river that runs alongside, Marco explains how he will use the various types of wood he keeps here, to do not distort its shapes and veins and keep all the natural characteristics of the tree .

"I do not like to irreversibly combining a natural material with a synthetic one, I prefer that each component continues its path, without affecting the other; in such a way at the end of their life cycle will be possible to disunite and recycle the glass, burn the wood and etc".

Thanks to the fact that Marco and Claudio have the possibility to directly cut trees, they handle very big wooden boards, which allow demanding work from a size point of view, a feature that not everyone can provide.

With these large timbers, important installations are made, structures created on behalf of great architects and artists, for which Marco often carries out not only the prototype, but also all the structural calculations and the various tests of load and resistance, as well as the follow up of the on-site installation of the final work.

For privacy reasons we will not list all the artists and architects with whom d3wood has been working for 2 years now (that is since it started its young business), but we highlight how this innovative company stands out in the avant-garde carpentry panorama (we can call it this way since we are in an artistic environment) thanks to the collaboration with the Professor Imperadori.

It is not only the great names of architecture and art that are linked to that of d3wood, but also major brands and leading associations that commission to Marco Clozza, the study and creation of particular objects ranging from high-level packaging for luxury cashmere, to prizes for competitions for associations that deal with green living and eco-sustainable architecture.

The woodshop where d3wood carries out its activity is equipped with a SCM minimax st 5es and a CNC SCM morbidelli author 430s, which together provide all the support needed to perform the eclectic workings Marco is capable of; in the heart of Lecco and loaded with prototypes, unique artworks, structures and artistic installations, this joinery is a real atelier that smells of various wood species and conveys a love for technology and woodworking, a combination that founds in Marco its maximum expression and accomplishment.

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Przetwarzanie danych osobowych zgodnie z dekretem ustawodawczym 196/03 i RODO 679/2016 oraz obowiązujące przepisy
RODO Autoryzacja
Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zgodnie z Polityką Prywatności.

Zgoda marketingowa
Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych w celach marketingowych zgodnie z Polityką Prywatności.

Zgoda strony trzeciej
Wyrażam zgodę na przekazywanie moich danych osobowych stronom trzecim, w tym spółkom z grupy i/lub podmiotom trzecim spoza grupy, takim jak operatorzy branżowi w celu prowadzenia działań marketingowych.

*w przypadku braku takiej zgody nie będzie możliwe załatwienie wniosku