Normanver e CMS: excelência na filetagem do vidro


Near Rouen in Normandy, you can find Normanver, a French business that has been a leader in the glass sector since 1986, with extensive operations in northern France.
In the Normanver factory, they produce and process multiple types of glass from the beginning to the end of the production chain: flat, safety, tempered or laminated glass, insulating glass with thermal or solar control and decorative glass.

We met with Tony Binard, chairman of Normanver since 2003, who explained how essential it is for their company to ensure that their customers get the highest quality products and why, for this very reason, they have decided to buy an aura, CMS vertical dry seaming machine that "really matched our needs, that is, to have a dry seaming machine that allows us to offer solutions for both double glazing and tempered glass".




The most significant use of aura in the Normanver production chain is for dry glass seaming, a process that finishes the edges of the glass by removing the sharp part left after cutting, without using water. The great benefit of CMS aura is that, after seaming and cleaning, the glass is directly fed into the furnace for the tempering process. Dry seaming is essential to prepare glass for heat treatment and ensures the high-quality standards required by Normanver for each piece produced.

We went into more detail about the dry seaming process with Martial Millard, who is in charge of CMS aura processing in the company and who tells us he is satisfied with how aura has made his work faster and easier by automating the process of recognizing the size and thickness of the glass once it is loaded into the machine. "I can take any glass, of any size and thickness, one after the other. Everything is automatic!" he says with a smile.

"The machine manages to dry seam a series of 50 pieces of glass in about 15 minutes!"

"Programming-wise, the machine manages everything automatically!", continues Martial, "It has incredible software, I don't have to enter parameters such as height, length, thickness. I position the glass, the sensor reads it, understands what it's like and then the processing starts."

Today, aura is well integrated into the Normanver production chain and has helped to raise the quality level of their products while also meeting even the most specific needs of some of their customers.
"We quickly turned to CMS," Tony Binard points out, "because it gave us a technical solution in line with our needs."


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