Hunton Fiber

Tecnologias para materiais especiais


The squaring “zero point” that makes all the difference

SCM Group’s specialists are always ready to respond with state of the art solutions to any technical requirement. This was the case with Celaschi and a Norwegian client.

Hunton Fiber needed to square insulation panels for the construction industry with a machine that had the ‘reference’ or ‘zero point’ on the upper presser and not on the lower feed track, which is the usual positioning.

An apparently trivial request but that in actual fact allows for a considerable reduction in the panel movements on the line and significantly shortens processing times, all in a much smaller plant.

The problem was resolved by the technicians of Bergsli, Celaschi- SCM Group’s dealer in Norway. The solution consisted in a “Progress” double-end tenoner set up to the client’s specific requirements and by taking into account the specifications of the panels.


Celaschi’s “Progress” ensures that the panels in wooden fibre and bitumen can be profiled and squared easily, also thanks to the continuous cycle automatic loading systems.

“This solution allows us to machine pieces with different thickness continuously”, explains a company spokesman. “Moreover we can achieve a much greater efficiency compared to our previous setup”.

Hunton is a Norwegian group and one of the most important Scandinavian producers of highly insulating wooden panels used in the construction of floors, walls and roofs.

The group’s origins date back to 1889, and a small saw mill that worked in the cardboard industry.
As times, demands and markets changed the company shifted its production to more remunerative wooden fibre panels.

In the sixties the company came up with the idea of adding bitumen to the wood, creating the Hunton Windtight panels, which revealed themselves to be extremely effective in reinforcing building frames and provide insulation against the wind.

Their immediate success ensured that the panels produced by the Norwegian saw mill spread across the globe.
The production was increased over the years to include panels that join together the properties of wooden fibres with other materials to provide exceptional performances in specific uses in terms of heat, sound and environmental insulation.

As demand increases the technologies have to keep pace to ensure that production speeds can be increased, whilst maintaining the extremely high quality standards that have made Hunton famous.

Celaschi’s “Progress” ensures that the panels in wooden fibre and bitumen can be profiled and squared easily, also thanks to the continuous cycle automatic loading systems.

The panels are cut, profiled longitudinally and squared crossways. A 1200 millimetre wide panel from the presses is transformed in two 60 millimetre panels.

In the unloading phase an automatic system rejects any panels with faults or dissimilarities.


Hunton Fiber (Norway)

The largest Scandinavian producer of wooden fibre panels

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