BCE Glass Industry


专有的力量: BCE Glass Industry

我们有幸进入BCE Glass Industry公司,该公司自1970年以来一直是船舶、汽车、航空航天和建筑领域玻璃供应的全球领导者。在世界各地航行的豪华游艇、飞机或超跑的玻璃都是由总部位于土耳其伊斯坦布尔BCE Glass Industry公司设计和生产的。




这是一家不断成长的公司,无论是从数字上还是技术而言。追求越来越高的标准,从不畏惧失败,到达他人望而却步的地方:这就是公司的使命。有赖于全新的CMS maxima加工中心和由CMS开发的结合三个要素(专用3D软件,模块检测激光系统,新型可变定位吸盘式玻璃抓取系统)的先进系统,BCE Glass Industry成为了在船舶、汽车、航空航天和建筑领域最严苛刻客户的理想合作伙伴。

"BCE生产独家和独特的产品满足市场,因此我们决定选择CMS maxima,这是一种特殊独家机器,其规格高于市场标准。"

 Kubilay Eylen -


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Personal data processing pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and GDPR 679/2016 and to the applicable legislation
GDPR* Authorisation
I hereby consent to my personal data being processed as per the Privacy Policy.

Marketing Authorisation
I hereby consent to my personal data being processed for marketing purposes as per the Privacy Policy.

Third-party authorisation
I hereby authorise the communication of my personal data to third parties, including companies in the group and/or external third parties outside the group, such as industry operators for their marketing purposes.

* In the absence of this authorisation, we will be unable to process your request.


maxima glass

