pack t

(512) 931-1962
Packaging - Packaging solutions with polyethylene - pack t

The pack t packaging machine automatically packs the product by wrapping it with polyethylene shrink film that is then heated to achieve shrinkage. 
Packing with shrink-wrap polyethylene (with added protection at the most delicate points and/or bubble wrap) is suitable for all types of furniture industries from medium production volumes. 
The shrink wrap machine is designed according to the customer's requirement, thus meeting all the needs of the furniture industry: from batch one to batch production, for assembled or kit furniture, shelves, doors.


Technical data
Produttività max
(value calculated for product with Length = 1200 mm)
n. 5
Min product length * mm 150
Max product length * mm 3000
Min product height * mm 20
Max product height * mm 150
Min product depth * mm 100
Max product depth * mm 1000
*Values refer to the machine in photo. Machine can be customized according to customer needs    
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