LIGNA 2025, the countdown has begun!


LIGNA 2025, the countdown has begun!

With the LIGNA.Preview taking place today at the Hannover Exhibition Center, the countdown to the next edition of Ligna has officially begun.

From 26 to 30 May, the world's leading trade fair for woodworking and wood processing industry will turn 50 years old, and for the occasion SCM will also celebrate its 50th participation in the exhibition. A double milestone, the sign of a long-standing partnership based on a common goal: networking to drive innovation together.

‘Linking people, driving innovation’: at today's Preview press conference, there was a first glimpse of the key themes of Ligna 2025 as well as an overview of the sector and future trends in the wood industry.

SCM and the other exhibitors present then met with a broad representation of the international trade press to illustrate the main innovations that will be on display at the exhibition. Present for SCM were the commercial director of the Wood Division, Gabriele Patti, the regional manager of the DACH area, Giovanni Masino, together with Alessandra Leardini, Head of Scm Group Press and PR, and Steffi Taraba, Head of Marketing and Communications for the DACH area.

At the Group's stands in Hall 13 and 16, there will be a chance to discover integrated solutions which combine technology, innovation, bespoke services and proactive support systems to assist companies in achieving increasingly ambitious aims. Innovations also in line with the new SCM campaign, ‘Solutions and services always connected for you’. ‘SCM wants to be a strategic, solid, innovative and omnipresent partner at every stage of customers’ production process’ says Gabriele Patti. ’Ligna will be the ideal stage to present the new range of technological solutions and services developed to maximise the machine’s efficiency, improve product quality and reduce operating costs. This is our way of being at the side of woodworking companies’.

With a wide representation of journalists from the DACH area countries, Ligna confirms itself as a leading event for these markets as well. ‘Despite the complexities of the macroeconomic environment,’ adds Giovanni Masino, ’SCM is continuing to invest in order to be at the side of customers in this region in an ever more punctual and capillary manner, and with an ever more advanced range of solutions”.

For more information on the innovations featured at Ligna please visit the press area