formula clamp 2500

(512) 931-1962
Tischlereimaschinen - Rahmenpresse - formula clamp 2500

Alle Maschinen der Produktreihe „formula“ sind von SCM zertifiziert und garantiert.

The formula clamp 2500 with a sturdy frame and a very practical positioning and adjustment is the ideal solution for the gluing and the assembly of many typical products of the joinery workshops.


Hydraulic cylinders
The simple and rapid vertical beams positioning system allows a very simple hydraulic cylinders adjustment.

Lower cast iron supports
Even more machine sturdiness with the lower cast iron supports.

Control panel
The hydraulic cylinders pressure is controlled by practical levers and a control panel which is equipped with a valve with reading monometer and a locking cock for the cylinders pressure maintaining. The process is alwaya under control.

Technische Daten
formula clamp 2500    
Working dimensions mm 2500 x 1800
Vertical hydraulic cylinders stroke mm 150
Thrust of each vertical hydraulic cylinders kg 1270
Horizontal hydraulic cylinders stroke mm 120
Thrust of each horizontal hydraulic cylinder kg 770
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