routech rx

(512) 931-1962
Systeme für den Holzbau - CNC-Abbundanlagen für den Holzbau - routech rx

routech rx is a numerical control machining centre with a mobile gantry structure, equipped with automatic loading/unloading system and dedicated to the processing of materials that are generally used in timber-frame construction.



Machining center to process different materials and sizes, including breathable and abrasive materials. For expample OSB, plasterboard, resins, wood fibers and rock wool.

By developing the machine in such a way that it is possible to manage the loading, processing and uloading of the panels with a fully automatic work cycle.

Ability to import a project in BTL format, a standrad in the timber construction industy, and to use Alphacam software to creat the programs.

Technische Daten
Workpiece dimensions (manual loading and unloading)
Length max. 6120 mm
Width max. 2520 mm
Thickness max. 250 mm
Workpiece dimensions (automatic loading and unloading)
Length max. 6000 mm
Width max. 2500 mm
Thickness max. 250 mm
Machining head units
5-axis electrospindle power 11-15 kW
Rotation speed max. 18000-24000 rpm
Tool stores
Available tools Tot. No. 36
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