(512) 931-1962
Dryers - UV Dryers - SELECURE- UVM1

SELECURE – selective radiation curing – is the best technological solution in the field of photo-polymerization by UV irradiation. The radiating equipment is based on a modular system with a single radiating source. Modules are in anodized aluminium. The hinged covering and front doors allow an easy access and check of reflector and lamp. All modules are available with reflector swivelling and half power devices, in case of emergency line stop, necessary to prevent substrates and conveyor from overheating and to protect the radiating source from an early aging due to repeated ignitions. The system is suitable to be installed on cross bar or belt conveyors.


- versatility of the modular system - high focal yield of the reflector mod. Labes, developed by Superfici to achieve a high concentration of the UV rays together with a wide versatility in the applications. - possibility of stepless adjustment of the UV lamp power. - excellent reliability of the power supply. - Wide range of available modules.

Technical data
available lamp length

from 300 to 2300 mm.

adjustable lamp power

from 40 to 120 W/cm

cooling type


power supply type


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