(512) 931-1962
Dryers - Vertical dryers - CONTIVERT ETC

Vertical dryer with belt trays, used where it is necessary to achieve a hot air drying with quite long drying times (from 15 min. to some hours), typically therefore in case of automatic finishing lines with spraying or curtain coating applications.

  • ENERGY SAVING – thanks to the controlled ventilation system, to keep under control the air flow , so to optimize the heat recovery.
  • SPACE SAVING – thanks to the possibility to achieve long drying times in the dryer with limited space , as pieces are stored on trays one on top of the other , thus using the height of the building.
  • REDUCED DRYING TIMES – thanks to the controlled ventilation, which reduces drying times if compared with the drying in the environment and which  at the same achieves optimal filtered air conditions so to reduce rejects. The dryer is typically divided in one flash off zone, two drying zones and one cooling zone.
Technical data

ETC 2/2

ETC 3/2

ETC 4/2

ETC 4/4

no. of chambers

2 tray chambers 

2 tray chambers and  1 distance chamber

2 tray chambers and 2 distance chambers

4 tray ch 

no. of  zones

4 ventilating   zones 

4 ventilating zones

4 ventilating zones

4 ventilating   zones 

no. of  trays

from 30 to 62 

from 32 to 62

from  34 to 62

from 56 to 114 

tray clearance  mm.





tray length  mm.





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