FOM Ever Theta

(512) 931-1962
Aluminium Processing - Corner Crimping - FOM Ever Theta

4-head crimping machine with CNC tool positioning

Technical specifications:

  • Automatic crimping operations
  • Tool positioning by means of electric motors

  • 21 CNC axes

  • 1 tool available on board

  • Suitable for all types of frame (windows, doors, curtain walls)

  • Adjustments and electronic controls by touch-screen panel

  • Perfect reproducibility

  • Panel dimension measuring system

  • Easy handling of frame by lifting bars and one only operator

  • Maximum frame dimension: 2600x1100 mm; 2600x2000 mm; 2600x2900 mm; 2600x3800 mm; 2600x4700 mm

  • Minimum frame dimension: 400x400 mm

  • Maximum height of crimping: 160 mm (highest on request)

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