
Rogiers - Vanpoucke NV (Hoofdzetel)
Henri Lebbestraat 150, B-8790 Waregem
Phone +32 56 60 13 45 

Rogiers - Vanpoucke NV (Herentals)
Dikberd 46, 2200 Herentals
Phone Johnny Jacobs: +32 470 18 80 81
Phone Peter Van Camp: +32 471 98 47 59

Rogiers - Vanpoucke SA (Namur)
Route de Wasseiges 226, 5022 Namur
Phone Jérôme De Roose: +32 478 42 26 87
Phone Philippe Durant: +32 492 17 30 65
Phone Pierre Macors: +32 477 27 27 91

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