Novation Tech & CMS

advanced material

Novation Tech & CMS: A Carbon-Fiber Partnership

A genuine partnership exists between CMS and Novation Tech, a leading European company in the processing and production of carbon fiber and composite material components. 

Novation Tech has two production plants based in Hungary and Croatia, with its main headquarters in MontebellunaTreviso, where its offices, R&D department, and part of its production are located. Here is where we meet Luca Businaro, CEO and Novation Tech partner.


Thanks to its technical expertise and in-depth knowledge of processes, technologies, and materials, which are now part of its DNA, Novation Tech has earned a reputation in different sectors such as automotive, aerospace, sportswear, and glasses. 

As Luca explains, the product is the "result of the technological service" that Novation Tech offers to its clients. 

Standardizing processing work is essential for offering industrial production solutions quickly, which is why Novation Tech aims to transfer technical solutions to its three production plants as fast as possible. 

The collaboration between Novation Tech and CMS took a significant turn when they had the opportunity to use CMS Connect. This technology allowed them to connect machining centers with CMS to deal with any problems and with the respective plants in Italy, Hungary, and Croatia.  

Speaking with Luca, we realize the importance of having all the machines connected. This procedure "drastically cuts times, eliminates misunderstandings and even solves the problem of the language barrier" precisely because "connectivity with a machine provides you with a single language." 

Novation Tech

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