(512) 931-1962
Finishing systems - Vertical dryers - CONTIVERT EVC
Photos may include optional equipment.

Vertical dryer with trays indicated for who has working little space, the dryer allows to obtain long drying times in small spaces with limited energy consumption. The machine has a series of cross-bladed baskets that take the pieces to be dried and which move inside the dryer with movements of up / down and translation, making the pieces pass through the different ventilation zones. The dryer is generally divided into a drying zone, two temperature-controlled drying zones and one cooling zone.




CONTROL: Drying environment with filtered air and controlled temperature.

Technical data

EVC 2/2

EVC 3/2

EVC 4/2

EVC 4/4

no. of chambers

2 tray chambers 

2 tray chambers and  1 distance chamber

2 tray chambers and 2 distance chambers

4 tray ch 

no. of  zones

4 ventilating   zones 

4 ventilating zones

4 ventilating zones

4 ventilating   zones 

no. of  trays

from 30 to 62 

from 32 to 62

from  34 to 62

from 56 to 114 

useful tray length  mm.

3200 - 4800 mm. 

3200 - 4800 mm.

3200 - 4800 mm.

3200 - 4800 mm. 

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