Cutting Optimizer programming

Course code WMP-S
The Optimizer programming course is designed to illustrate the main characteristics of the optimizer for panel saws used by SCM, how to use it correctly and guarantee optimisation results for high level cuts.
Maestro Ottimo CUT is a scalable software to optimise the cutting of materials shaped by panel. This professional software controls the entire process to determine the costs and optimise the operation of the panel saws.
- Introduction to the Maestro Ottimo Cut software
- Basic operating and programming rules and optimisation examples
- Common parameter configuration
- Maestro Ottimo Import (importing materials and orders from an excel file)
- Maestro Converter CUT
Operator and Machine maintenance operator, Maintenance manager, Line supervisor
Machine models
Gabbiani P, Gabbiani S, Gabbiani G
Teaching method
Classroom (c/o campus - c/o customer) Online (webinar)
Italian, english
16 hours