
Tecnologie per l'industria grafica


supporting the quality of Grafiche Antiga

Grafiche Antiga opted for Elmag Superfici's experience and its new UV LED curing system to satisfy the high printing quality demands even on difficult papers such as material or uncoated paper. 

Grafiche Antiga is a long-standing company in Treviso working in the printing and paper goods industry. Over the years, it has managed to transform the traditional family passion for printing into a vast industrial business capable of attracting both a national and international clientele. "Printing is part of our nature", this is how the Antiga brothers and company founders describe the DNA of their production business. They have made concepts such as passion, character and culture the cornerstone of the company's philosophy, and which, even today, still shape its identity and lie at the root of every job.



Staying true to ones origins while continuing to focus on the future. Keeping strong local links while taking the opportunities offered by market internationalisation. Combine state-of-the-art technology with artisan attention to detail. These are some of the challenges that the Antiga brothers have faced in more than 45 years of activity. A business organisation that has known how to grow without losing sight of its starting goals: to produce excellence, combining creativity and know-how. An organisation that has made its mark over the years for the choices made and which have made it a high-standing company in the industry. Choices like investing in innovation and experimenting, the same ones that led them to place their trust in Elmag Superfici for the implementation of a hybrid curing plant that ensures they can guarantee the quality of their prints even on uncoated paper and plastic supports.


Thanks to a continuous technological evolution, Grafiche Antiga is now an organisation that can deal with all the production processes internally, safe in the knowledge that, in order to achieve an outstanding level of quality, direct and full control of every stage of production is essential. These investments also include the Manroland R700 five colours plus painting unit. A UV LED curing unit was installed in retrofit by Elmag Superfici on this machine at the exit from the fifth printing unit which then combines with the high reactivity lamps positioned after the painting unit. A flexible system that, if for example, white printing on plastic supports were necessary, the UV LED lamps could be moved after the first print unit. This way, the base is curing and allows for the subsequent four-colour printing without running the risk of losing out on definition that is still "mature. Grafiche Antiga accepted the challenge on the UV LED technology and won because it now provides them with shiny prints and adds contrast and depth to the image.


"Initially, we were also sceptical about the UV lamps, but thanks to the perseverance of our internal team that wanted to combine the traditional quality and sustainability of our company with research and a keen eye closely focused on the future, we changed our mind - explains Michielin It was a long route with the occasional hurdle that cost us a series of difficult experiments, but our aim was to ensure maximum safety for the internal environment. Nowadays, thanks to the professionalism of Elmag Superfici, we can proudly say: "goal achieved!" and we can take our place alongside the leaders of our industry in Italy".



Elmag Superfici's UV LED system has radically changed printing technology without impacting on the operators' work. "The LED curing system integrates perfecting into the production process", Roberto Finetti tells us, and is keen to highlight the technical specifications of this new system: "Thanks to Elmag Superfici's decades of experience in UV curing systems, it has optimised a reliable LED process that is practical and intuitive to use as well as being 100% 'Made in Italy', thus ensuring fast, efficient access to spare parts and assistance. The optics and size of the emission window guarantee in excess of 50% more energy compared to other LED systems on the market. It is fitted with instant on/off, at 56 mm sectors, that prevent unnecessary overheating and polymerisations of the surface of the rubber cylinder when the sheet is narrower than the maximum working format".

Last but not least, the environmental aspect, which Grafiche Antiga cares greatly about. " When compared to a traditional UV lamp, the energy consumption is very low. Indeed, by integrating our production process with a UV LED system, we have the advantages of a traditional UV lamp with a reduced energy consumption that allows us to achieve a saving of around 70%", concludes Finetti.

Grafiche antiga (Italia)

Qualità di stampa elevata

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