valtorta s4 - filling machine

(512) 931-1962
Finishing systemen - Walsmachines voor coaten - valtorta s4 - filling machine

The Valtorta S4 is a plaster machine and it is suitable for the use of recirculating fillers. The head is composed of an application unit that applies the product and a chromed steel roller that turning in the opposite direction, compresses the product deep into the pores of the wood and removes the extra material.


ACCURACY: The lacquer application is precise even in critical finishing conditions thanks to the high precision application head, moving on linear guides and on a device for managing and controlling the working pressure between the applicator and the dispensing rollers. Accurate control of the lacquer weight.

EASE: The integrated control keypad can manage the blades, the recirculation elements, and the quick replacement system for the applicator roller.

Technische gegevens
valtorta s4  
belt width 1370 mm
roller width 1500 mm
working height 900 (±20) mm
panel thickness 3-120 mm
min. panel length 300 mm
application roller diameter 245 mm
standard hardness of the application roller 50 Sh
doctor roller diameter 175 mm
filling roller diameter 198 mm
feed speed 7 - 20 m/min
compressed air consumption 25 NI/min
installed power approximately 3,5 kW
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