pack f

(512) 931-1962
Verpakkingsmachines - Verpakkingssystemen - pack f

The pack f machine automatically packs the product by wrapping it to size with airball plastic foil and then with stretchwrapping polyethylene. 
This type of packing machine is suitable for manufacturers of assembled furniture (with low production volumes) or single panels in general (kitchen tops, bathroom tops, etc.). The airball wrap and stretch wrapping machine is designed according to the customer's need. 
This solution is referred to as "cold packing," that is, integrating stretchable polyethylene with bubble wrap to achieve effective packing with great energy-saving efficiency.


FILM SAVING thanks to the reel carriage with frictionable pre-stretch

PERFECT FINISHING OF THE PACKAGING thanks to the automatic cutting and sealing system

HIGH FLEXIBILITY OF PROGRAMMING thanks to the intuitive touch screen control panel

Technische gegevens
Min product length* mm 800
Min product width* mm 300
Max product width* mm 1350
Min product height* mm 30
Max product height* mm 200
*Values refer to the machine in photo. Machine can be customized according to customer needs    
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