gabbiani pt

(512) 931-1962
Opdeelzaag - Automatische opdeelzaagmachines - gabbiani pt
Ideal for craftman and small and medium-sized enterprise requiring a lean and easy workflow.
Single-blade beam saw controlled by PC/PLC  control system, designed to cut solid wood panels or panel stacks and its products (chipboards, MDF panels, multilayer panels, plywood panels and fiber panels).

Saw carriage with independent raise of the blades.
Essential tool for machining post-formed panels in order to optimise cycle-time machine and enhance cut finish.

FLEXCUT unit: incomparable flexibility and productivity.
Increasing of productivity up to 30% and space saving up to 20% owing to the simultaneous execution of both rip and cross cuts.

Loading platform: when sturdiness and precision make the difference.
The lifting system, running on 4 large trapezoidal screws, as well as to maximize the load capacity in any material and format, always ensures parallel lifting of the stacks of panels avoiding downtime and achieving maximum productivity.

Meastro active cut: easy and powerful software to programme and create all the panels imaginable.

Intuitive, reliable and customizable operator’s interface depending on customers’ needs.
Materials stock: creation of a panels storage with an integrated bi-directional connection to Maestro Watch
Off-cuts stock: automatic off-cut restocking that will be displayed together with the materials stock 
Parts handling management during machining: parking solution for end products, off-cuts and scraps.

Technische gegevens
    gabbiani pt 80
Cutting length mm 3300/3800/4300
Cutting depth on platform mm 1850/2200
Max. height of panel stack on platform with support beams mm 600
Blade projection mm 80
Saw carriage variable speed (option) m/min 0 - 120
Pusher variable speed (option) m/min 0 - 70
Main blade motor S6 - 40% (option) kW 7 (9) (11)
Scoring unit blade motor 50 Hz  kW 1,5
Main blade / scorer speed 50 Hz rpm 4650/5850
Main blade / scorer blade diameter mm 340/200
Number of clamps std 5

scm gabbiani pt - flexcut application

SCM beam saws software presentation

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