counterflow dryers panels

(512) 931-1962
Finishing systemen - Vlakke drogers - counterflow dryers panels

Linear dryer, ideal for drying cycles with continuous feeding of the panels. The counter-flow dryer creates an ideal environment for a quick drying. The system generates a controlled hot air flow, tangent to the surface of the pieces in the opposite direction with respect to the feed line.


QUALITY: Controlled air flow contributing to distribute the air on the whole piece.

FLEXIBILITY: it is possible to equip IR or low pressure TL lamps based on the lacquer process.

FAST: The dryer is ideal for fast drying thanks to the possibility to choose the dryer length related to the drying time.

Technische gegevens
Counter-flow dryer  UMI-UMA  
Inlet air volume

 from 3000 to 6000 m3/h

Dryer lengths

from 3000 to 12000 mm.

Working width

1300 mm.

Rack clearance

80 mm.

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