(512) 931-1962
Finishing systemen - Borstelmachines - UPPER BRUSHING MACHINE 2S

Brushing machine with two upper brusche for the deep clearing of the top off lat panels. The machine can be equipped with an upper and lower brush complete with individual suction hood. Available as options are blowers and antistatic bars. The machine features a roller conveying system.


The machine has the following main advantages:
- bristle brush to ensure a delicate and efficient cleaning.
- de-ionizing system to achieve an easy dust removal
- possibility of belt conveyor execution with vacuum to ensure the conveying of small pieces.
- possibility of execution with electric lifting of the brushing head and with control of the machine by PLC, useful especially in case of automatic line controls.

Technische gegevens
working width

1300 mm.

working height

900 mm.

max. workpiece thickness

100 mm.

brush diameter

250 mm.

rotation speed

 800 RpM

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