balestrini pico om

(512) 931-1962
Pennenbanken, langgatboren en dubbelzijdige profileermachines - Pennenbanken, langgatboren en dubbelzijdige profileermachines - balestrini pico om

CNC Tenoning-mortising two-faced machine

Dedicated to the execution of solid wood elements for tables and chairs, such as legs, crossbars and chair backs.

Thanks to its unique design, the machine has two worktables always ready to use, to switch easily from top to longitudinal machining of curved elements.



The 4.5 kW tenoning unit and the 2 kW mortising unit make it possible to produce tenons and mortises with a reduced number of passes. The tenoning and mortising depth is adjusted in the parking area, which is also used for tool maintenance.


Top and longitudinal machining operations are carried out on different work stations but on the same machine, thus expanding the applications and reducing overall dimensions.

The control panel placed on a mobile support follows the operator to the work station.


The full enclosure of the machine ensures protection without reducing its ease-of-use, and keeps the outside environment clean.

The side suction outlets allow to convey shavings and dust towards the extraction system.


It is the new Human-Machine Interface with an extremely simple and effective design, which allows to select numerous macros for tenons, holes and mortises programming.

The exclusive CAD/CAM system Smart pro lite makes it a machining centre for all purposes.

Technische gegevens
Workpiece cross-section (widthxthickness) With straight cut min. 10 x 10 mm
With straight cut max. 200 x 60 mm 
Workpiece length Min. 100 mm
Max. 880 mm
Tenon dimensions Horizontal length max. 200 mm
Thickness max. 30 mm
Height 8 ÷ 50 mm
Tenon inclination   0° ÷ 90°
Productivity max.   720 tenons/hour
Hole or mortise dimensions Hole diameter max. 16 mm (doubling by interpolation)
Mortise length max. 140 mm
Mortise thickness 0 ÷ 16 mm (doubling by interpolation)
Hole or mortise depth max. 30 mm for pieces to be cut off
50 mm for cut off pieces
Worpiece cross-section (widthxthickness) Min. 15 x 15 mm
Max. 100 x 60 mm
Loadable workpiece length Min. with 2 JIG FREE COMPACT 180 mm
Max. 1350 mm
Machinable workpiece length Min. with 2 JIG FREE COMPACT 180 mm
Max. 1100 mm
Hole or mortise dimensions Hole diameter max. 16 mm (doubling by interpolation)
Mortise length max. 1100 mm
Mortise thickness max. 16 mm (doubling by interpolation)
Hole or mortise depth max. 50 mm


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