(512) 931-1962
Lakierowanie i wykańczanie powierzchni - Linie UV - SELECURE- UVM1

Selecure is the technological solution in the field of photo-curing with ultraviolet radiation. The irradiation system is based on a modular system with a single irradiation source. The modules are in anodized aluminum with hinged doors (top and front) for easy and immediate access to the reflector and the lamp. All modules are supplied with a tilting reflector and power reduction device in case of temporary interruption of the line, to protect the parts to be irradiated and the conveyor from dangerous overheating and to protect the radiant source from a premature aging caused by numerous ignitions. The system is suitable for installation on rod or belt conveyors.


QUALITY: UV irradiation system with a wide focal spot reflector suitable to make the most of the energy emitted by the lamp for the efficient polymerization of the lacquer applied on the panels surface. Thanks to the reflectors, the concentration of irradiation in a certain area is an unreachable and constant radius of energy even when the variations between the light and substrate distance to be polymerized.

FLEXIBILITY: thanks to the possibility to choose between a wide range of UV modules for different lengths (from 200 to 2300 mm.) and for different types of reflectors. Modules with reflectors are available for use on flat lines, characterized by a high focal field, created for "cold" polymerization to be used in case heat-sensitive materials and three-dimensional polymerization.

ENERGY SAVING: thanks to the choice of the most correct reflector that allows to always exploit at best the energy emitted by the lamp, directing it and concentrating it according to the specific needs of the required application and the use of electronic ballasts, more efficient in terms of consumption compared to traditional.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: thanks to the possibility of using high solid UV varnishes whose hardening occurs exclusively through chemical reaction induced by exposure to a determined amount of UV energy emitted at specific wavelengths. In this case the evaporation of volatile substances is null or at least minimal.

Dane techniczne
available lamp length

from 300 to 2300 mm.

available lamp power

from 40 to 120 W/cm

cooling type


power supply type


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