formula cut 350

(512) 931-1962
Maszyny stolarskie - Cut-off saw - formula cut 350

Wszystkie maszyny z linii Formula są certyfikowane i gwarantowane przez SCM

The formula cut 350 cut-off saw is the ideal solution for the application on wooden flooring, windows and doors frames, pannelling and siding.
A sturdy machine with a pneumatically operated saw unit with bimanual control and a rich equipment including the working area safe grills for the maximum safety when machining and the variable blade feed speed.


Exhaust outlet
The exhaust outlets positioned near the dust evacuation areas ensure a fully cleaning of the working environment.

Blade guard
The blade guard and the other operator's protection systems, as the bi-manual hand-safety control, allow to operate with absolute safety.

Stops and pneumatic positioning
The machine is equipped with intelligent solutions as the optional stops and the pneumativ positioning.

Dane techniczne
formula   cut 350
Worktable height mm 800
Blade diameter mm 350
Max. cross-cut capacity mm 210 x 30
Max. working pressure bar 8
Air consumption Nl/cycle 6
Exhaust outlets diameter mm 80
Three-phase motor power kW (Hz) 3 (50) / 3 (60)
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Przetwarzanie danych osobowych zgodnie z dekretem ustawodawczym 196/03 i RODO 679/2016 oraz obowiązujące przepisy
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