class s 630 - class s 520

(512) 931-1962
Maszyny stolarskie - Grubościówka - class s 630 - class s 520

The best solution for every application.
Easy and precise, practical design, a wider range of applications.

Discover the "Xylent" cutterhead, available for this machine.


The best finish and effectiveness of the feeding of any material and in any working condition thanks to the pneumatic adjustment of rollers that allows to change at any time the pressure exerted on the work piece.

One machine for every requirement with the interchangeable rollers. Quick and easy changeover of the rollers that allows the operator to configure the machine drive function in case of special requirements such as minimum removal of fine wood and/or batches where multiple pieces of different thicknesses are processed.

Perfect finish with the feeding rollers on connecting roads. The stopping of the work piece and the presence of notches on its surface are eliminated due to the movement system on all three rollers that allows their vertical displacement by rotation and the best linear feeding.

Sturdy structure with precision when moving the work table
The 4 screws with a large diameter combined with the 2 side linear guides ensure worktable stability eliminating the necessity of  locking in position. The integrated protections guarantee high precision and reliability over time.

Dane techniczne
class   s 630 s 520
Surface work table dimension mm 640x1000 530x900
Cutterhead working width mm 630 520
Min. - max. planer working height mm 3,5 - 300 3,5 - 300
Max stock removal mm 8 8
Planer feed speed m/min 4÷20 4÷20
Main motor power kW (HP) 7 (9,5) 7 (9,5)
Case Studies
Prati S.r.l.
Czytaj więcej
Roberto Marcazzan
Czytaj więcej
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