formula sr 650 - sr 750 - sr 900

(512) 931-1962
Maszyny stolarskie - Radial saws - formula sr 650 - sr 750 - sr 900

Wszystkie maszyny z linii Formula są certyfikowane i gwarantowane przez SCM

The radial saws of the formula line with an heavy cast-iron structure are available with 650, 750 and 900 mm cross-cut capacity.
Adaptability, versatility, cutting precision, easy maintenance make this product line a necessary machine for the daily use of each workshop.


Maximum cutting precision
The cast iron structure provides the arm the maximum solidity and rigidity for the maximum cutting precision. The interchangeable sliding ways allows the operator a simple and rapid replacing, in case of wear, without direct intervention on the arm.

Precision and smoothness
The 8 sliding bearings on the guides grant the best carriage smoothness and an optimal support for a perfect cutting result.

Longlasting functionality
The mechanisms of which the machine is equipped, as the protection cover on the arm column support, protect the mechanical parts from dust, guaranteeing the best operation over time.

Dane techniczne
formula   sr 650 sr 750 sr 900
Blade diameter mm 350 ÷ 400 350 ÷ 400 400
Blade tilting   -45° ÷ +45° -45° ÷ +45° -45° ÷ +45°
Max. cutting depth with 90°/45° blade
(* 400 mm blade diameter available as option)
mm 120/83* 120/83* 120/83
Max. cross-cut capacity mm 640 x 20 750 x 20 900 x 20
Three-phase motor power kW (Hp) 3 (4) 3 (4) 4 (5,5)
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Przetwarzanie danych osobowych zgodnie z dekretem ustawodawczym 196/03 i RODO 679/2016 oraz obowiązujące przepisy
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