me 28t

(512) 931-1962
Maszyny stolarskie - Okleiniarka - me 28t

Automatic edge bander with glue pot and pre-milling unit to edge band, with great flexibility, with melamine edges, PVC and ABS up to 3 mm and wooden strips up to 5 mm.


Pre-milling unit. 
Panel edge surface without any imperfections before the gluing operation through the removal operation that corrects any panel imperfections caused by the saw cutting process and panel storage. The independent exhaust system ensures the panel cleaning removing dust and chips from the panel. No. 4 different thickness removals: 0,5 / 1 / 1,5 / 2 mm.

Designed for a perfect finish
The very best finishing of the panel edge is also guaranteed  by the panel conveying track (exclusive solution), which prevents the panel having the feed affected by the typical pulses generatedby the pinion of a traditional feed track and ensures a smooth and linear panel movement.

Always precise when cutting
Absolute precision offered by the unit, with a cutter and an independent asynchronous.

Simple and intuitive
Error-free machining is ensured by the control panel positioned on the front of the machine, that allows an easy selection of all the main functions, among them, the operating units switching on and off. The PLC guides the operator during maintenance, cleaning, diagnostic operations, etc.

Dane techniczne
me 28t    
Work table dimensions mm 2800 x 570
Min. ÷ max. thickness of rolled edges mm 0,4 ÷ 3
Max. thickness of edges in strips mm 5
Min. ÷ max. panel height mm 12 ÷ 50
Min. panel length/width mm 190/110
Feed speed m/min 7
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Przetwarzanie danych osobowych zgodnie z dekretem ustawodawczym 196/03 i RODO 679/2016 oraz obowiązujące przepisy
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