gabbiani a2

(512) 931-1962
Piła panelowa - Piły panelowe kątowe - gabbiani a2

The gabbiani a2 angular panel saw has been designed for a simple and automated production, which meets the needs also of small and medium companies.
The wide range of integrated solutions with automatic loading/unloading allows to reach high production volumes, with an eye to the cleaning of the machine and the working environment. The solution is also suitable for loading thin materials and with delicate surfaces.
Thanks to its compact size gabbiani a2 can be installed in small production spaces, however satisfying the greatest number of orders in optimal times. In-depth daily production reports allow effective and continuous monitoring of the production status of the panel saw.



Maximum result thanks to the perfect stability and solidity of the machine bases combined with the sliding of the carriage in the total absence of vibrations.


Maximum configuration to meet every process and tool setting need. In a few seconds the "SAW-SET" device performs a rapid and precise setting of the tools thanks to the electronic adjustment allowing an easy use of the machine and an increase in productivity.


Maximum cleaning of the machine thanks to an automatic system of dust control curtains by section that intervene on each cut to contain the sawdust and guarantee their complete evacuation.


Maximum performance due to the use of 2 pushers with completely independent stroke. Drastic reduction in machining cycle times due to the simultaneous processing of several bars with different cuts.
Extreme flexibility is achieved as the mobile unit is fitted with two grippers with double finger which can be excluded, therefore guaranteeing a wide variability in the width of the strips that can be gripped.

Dane techniczne
    gabbiani a 2 95 gabbiani a 2 115 gabbiani a 2 130
    Rip cut section  Cross cut section  Rip cut section  Cross cut section  Rip cut section Cross cut section
Cutting dimensions mm 3200 - 4500 2440 3200 - 4500 2440 3200 - 4500 2440
Lifting table dimensions mm 3200 x 2440 - 4500 x 2400 3200 x 2440 -  4500 x 2400  3200 x 2440 - 4500 x 2400
Blade projection  mm 95 115 125
Blade diameter  mm 380 400 430
Scoring diameter  mm 200 200 - 300 200 200 - 300 200 200 - 300
Saw carriage speed m/min 160 160 160
Main blade motor kW 11 - 15 - 18 - 22 11 - 15 - 18 - 22 15 - 18 - 20
Pusher speed m/min 90 120 90 120 90 120



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