(512) 931-1962
Sistemas de Pintura e Acabamento - Pintura para Bordas - SELECURE - UVM1 PLUS

The traditional ultraviolet sources produce an intense infrared radiation that causes overheating of the irradiated substrate. Thanks to a device designed and perfected in Superfici laboratories, it is able to filter the emitted UV radiation, eliminating most of the infrared component. The result is a cold UV light that can be used with any type of heat-sensitive material, the system is called Coldcure.


QUALITY: High reflector focal length mod. Labes, developed by Superfici to ensure high concentration of UV irradiation in wide versatility applications.

FLEXIBILITY: Coldcure system, supported by the development of a special UV PLUS module, allows the reflector orientation in 3 different working positions:
1. Downward orientation - for direct irradiation of the panel surface.
2. Coldcure position - for a "cold" polymerization.
3. Stand-by position – active in case of transport stopping, with lamp feeding automatically brought to 50% of the power.

Technical data
available lamp length

from 300 to 2300 mm

available lamp power

from 40 to 120 W/cm

cooling type


power supply type


functioning mode

direct - cold - stand by

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