oikos x+

(512) 931-1962
Systems for timber construction - CNC Machining Centres for timber construction - oikos x+

oikos x+ is the new 6-axis CNC machining centre designed for the intensive production of straight solid wood and glulam beams, with maximum cross-sections of 1250x300 mm, ideal for roofs, residential buildings and public structures. This model offers all the advantages of the well-established Oikos X, with the addition of an independent sawblade unit that integrates with the main 6-axis operating unit.


The 5-axis operating unit, equipped with a 900 mm diameter sawblade, guarantees an enhanced cutting capacity, even on large beams, with a cutting depth of up to 300 mm.

The layout of the operating units and tool store allows fast tool changes in masked time, thus increasing the efficiency and overall speed of machining operations.

The solid machine structure ensures high precision and excellent stress absorption during the machining process, guaranteeing superior quality results.

Maestro beam&wall
is the proprietary SCM software compatible with the most popular CADs design systems in the timber building industry. It allows programming both in the office and directly on the machine. Thanks to the new HMI software Maestro active beam&wall, control and optimization of the production flow are even simpler and more intuitive.

Technical data
Workpiece dimensions
Length max. mm 9.000 - 13.500 - 19.000
Cross-section max. mm 1.250 x 300
Cross-section min. mm 50 x 20
Weight max. kg 4.000
Main operating unit
Axes 6
Power max. (S1) kW 24
Sawblade diameter mm 740
Compatibility with tool store yes
Sawblade operating unit
Axes 5
Power max. (S1) kW 18,4
Sawblade diameter mm 900
Tool store
Positions 18
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