gabbiani cfx

(512) 931-1962
Panel ebatlamalar - Çapraz kesim panel ebatlama makinaları - gabbiani cfx

Designed for the large-scale woodworking company who needs a panel saw purpose-built for cutting post-formed strips individually or in packs. A wide choice of optional equipment is able to meet any requirement. The gabbiani cfx series is available in configurations suitable for a variety of production applications: manual loading, working cell operation or in-line operation.

  1. Working continuos flow
  2. Versatile and ergonomics
  3. User friendly
  4. Low cost
  5. High productivity
  6. The PRISMATIC GUIDES allows to obtain:
    • high cutting precision
    • maximum reliability
    • maintenance free thanks to centralised and control monitored lubrication
    • high resistance to mechanical stress


Teknik veri
Cutting dimension mm 1600x3200 1600x3800
  mm 1600x4300 1600x5700
Blade protrusion mm 110 - 130
Main blade engine kW 11 - 18
Saw carriage speed m/min 170
Pusher speed m/min 135




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