gabbiani cubo

(512) 931-1962
Panel ebatlamalar - Esnek  panel ebatlama makinaları - gabbiani cubo

Innovative panel sizing-squaring centre with a fixed worktable and two mobile gantries each with a single machining head, designed for medium-big furniture company. The simultaneous use of two routing units enables the achievement of high standards of quality, finishing, precision and productivity. For an high productivity, gabbiani cubo can be incorporated in a Mahros loading-unloading system controlled by Easy Plan, a supervision software that enables automatic control of all work cycle steps including: loading from the stack the sheet to be processed, unloading of the sized panel to the edge banding line, offcuts management, labelling of each single panel.

  • Maximum integration into production process by a NEW SOFTWARE including:
    • merging with customer’s supervisor
    • scheduling of the working batches
    • cutting patterns optimisation
    • panels loading/unloading management
  • Production wastes/quantity of the off-cuts reduced by using ROLLING SOFTWARE (designed to work in batch-1): for any single production batch will be optimized the cutting pattern using in addition to the raw material the possible off-cuts present on the stock, further the patterns can be filled using the pieces of the next batches.
  • Finished pieces ready for edge banding line (no squaring).
  • High productivity
  • Very low waste percentage thanks to very complex cutting pattern execution and using of the off-cuts.
  • Reduced space and a lot of custom-made solutions.


Teknik veri
Cutting length mm 3200, 4500, 5600
Cutting width mm 2200, 2440
Axis X maximum speed m/min 160
Axis Y maximum speed m/min 160
Axis Z maximum speed m/min 30






Gabbiani CUBO

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