morbidelli pwx500

(512) 931-1962
Delik makinaları - Otomatik delik makinaları - morbidelli pwx500

Automatic drilling machine ideal for flexible, fast and high quality production, even when processing small batches with different quantities and characteristics. It is designed to solve today's diverse and complex production challenges while guaranteeing the highest production rates.



thanks to the optimisation of the upper drilling units to meet modern industry's need for batch variability.

Possibility of carrying out additional machinings such as doweling, routing and grooving.


with the new drilling unit providing the best spindle arrangement and maximum productivity.


with the innovative RO.AX (Rotoaxial spindle technology), the highest-performance spindle on the market with controlled rotation speed from 3000 to 6000 rpm. 


Extreme precision, low maintenance and preservation of lubrication characteristics; temperature stability at 65 degrees regardless of environmental and usage conditions, ensuring no wear and loss of efficiency after 1200 hours.


with the wide range of software in the Maestro Suite.

Optimised drilling heads' set-up  with Maestro powerset to execute all programs in the shortest possible time.

Teknik veri
Min. / max. panel length mm 250 / 3000
Min. / max. panel width (single positioning) mm 100 / 900
Min. / max. panel width (double positioning) mm 100 / 1200
Min. / max. drilled panel thickness mm 10 / 60
Min. / max. panel with dowels thickness mm 12 / 60
Max panel weight kg 50
Vertical drilling heads (max.) no. 10
Horizontal drilling heads (max.) no. 4
Drilling rotation speed rpm 3.000 - 6.000
Automatic work tables no. 5 (std) - 1 (opt)
Work table height mm 1070
HSK 63 electrospindle with tool changer (opt.) /  
Side dowelling unit (opt.) /  
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