me 35

(512) 931-1962
Marangoz makinaları - Kenar bantlama - me 35

Ease-of-use with all inclusive equipment: me 35, with gluing of the panel edge, also with edging solid wood strips up to 5 mm thickness, offers the “very best” performance in edge banders at this level.
The features, coupled to its ease-of-use, makes it the perfect edge bander for small woodworking, furniture and panel processing companies.

me 35. Further enhanced compared to its predecessor with the new end cutting-rounding unit. This new unit allows further processing, saving a substantial amount of time with an ease of processing.
This technological solution is unique in its category, where such operations are normally a feature of more expensive and higher level machinery.


“eye-S” Compact console
Optimal managing of the machine thanks to the new 10” touch screen control panel with Maestro active edge, where all of the machine functions are graphically shown.

Designed for a perfect finish
A new combined end cutting-rounding unit with rigid structure for unique quality processing in its market segment. Now the rounding process is available for all workshops.

Brillant idea
The optional end-cutting unit with "Radius" allows to make a radius on the corners of the edged panel without the need of the operator to have to finish by hand at a later stage: brillant idea to a finished product of high quality.

Machining units with automatic on/off system and multi-radius tools
High performance and rapid setting thanks to the new automatic system with pneumatic on/off controlled by the machine NC for trimming unit, edge scraping unit and glue scraping unit.
Flexibility and accuracy to perform a radius on the edge with the multi-radius tools, available for trimming unit and edge scraping unit: possibility of machining different edge thicknesses with automatic set up.

Teknik veri
minimax me 35    
Work table dimensions mm 3000 x 525
Min. ÷ max. thickness of rolled edges mm 0,4 ÷ 3
Max. thickness of edges in strips mm 5
Min. ÷ max. panel height mm 8 ÷ 50
Min. panel length/width mm 190/110
Min. panel length/width with end cutting/rounding unit mm 120/110
Feed speed m/min 7
Case Studies
Roberto Marcazzan
Daha fazla oku
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