class tf 130

(512) 931-1962
Marangoz makinaları - Frezeler - class tf 130

The best solution for every application.
Essential and professional the manual version.
Technological devices in the electronic version that guarantee reduced machine set up times, greater safety and ease-of-use.


Maximum stability and rigidity in all working conditions, thanks to a large spindle moulder column made entirely of cast iron. The shaper spindle is surrounded by a cast iron “cup” to protect the internal mechanical components from shavings and sawdust

Set up precision and reliability. The operator easily adjusts every movement thanks to the handwheel with mechanical readout positioned on the machine front.

maximum set-up speed and ease-of-use. The spindle moulder fence with mechanical programming and digital readouts ensures accuracy to a tenth of a millimetre in positioning the tables so that no more test runs are required to get the desired result

Teknik veri
Class tf 130 - tf 130e    
Max. useful spindle length mm / inches 180 / 7
Spindle speed rpm 3000/4500/6000/7000/10000
Max. diameter of the profiling tool mm / inches 250 / 9.8
Max. tool diameter retractable under the table at 90° mm / inches 300 / 11.8
Max. diameter of the tenoning tool mm / inches 300 / 11.8
Three-phase motor  Hp 11
Case Studies
Roberto Marcazzan
Daha fazla oku
Prati S.r.l.
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Mutti Woodshop
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