dmc mb 90

(512) 931-1962
Breitbandkalibrier- und Feinschliffautomaten  - Breitbandschleifmaschinen - dmc mb 90

dmc mb 90 is the ideal solution for the finishing of routed MDF panels, assembled kitchen cabinet doors, doors and windows and similar profiled parts (picture frame strips, cableways, matchboardings, skirting boards). Parts can be rough or painted.


Brushing roller unit: equipped with an innovative system for the twist inclination adjustment and the side oscillating movement of the brushing roller, it guarantees a top class and uniform sanding quality on all parts of the panel.

Oscillating discs unit: thanks to the side oscillating movement and a double raw counter-rotating discs structure, it is possible to effectively round the sharp edges and to reach those inaccessible areas on profiled panels.

 Electro-fan: positioned under the worktable, it reduces the space occupied by the machine and, most importantly,reduces noise emissions.

Technische Daten
Working width mm 1350
Min/max working thickness (mobile table) mm  3-170
Min/max working thickness (fixed table) mm 3-200
Feed belt speed m/min 2-16
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